just a personal cut & paste page

sabato, novembre 12, 2005

Also Online - Exciting Links for Boring Days in No Particular Order

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domenica, ottobre 30, 2005

Yahoo adds Save to My Web button (Pandia)

Yahoo adds Save to My Web button

If you are new to My Web, it is a social web service from Yahoo! for sharing bookmarks and trusted information. It is still in beta but is definitely worth a look.

Save to My Web is a tool for users of Yahoo's MyWeb 2.0. The new button option lets users add your web pages to their stored pages on MyWeb with a single click.

The button that can be added to pages of your blog or website. With the button in place, users click to save your content directly to their stored pages on My Web 2.0. Once saved, the page can easily be retrieved and shared with others.

This is a great way for bloggers and publishers to distribute content. It also makes your pages instantly searchable on Yahoo!

The javascript activated by the button includes options for customizing the style, size and color of the button. Get the code for the button and info on customization at Yahoo's Guide to Social Media Tools.

Danny Sullivan at Search Engine Watch suggested the Add to My Web button.

Read Pandia's review of MyWeb.

Read more and sign up at Yahoo's My Web FAQ.

Posted on Sunday 30 October 2005

lunedì, agosto 08, 2005

Firefox popups | www.petebevin.com

Firefox popups | www.petebevin.com: "Firefox popups

Like you, I love Firefox for many reasons, including popup blocking. So over the last few weeks I’ve been surprised to see occasional popups.

It turns out that some clever people figured out that you could launch popups from Flash, getting around the Firefox default settings.

Fortunately, you can get around it:

1. Type about:config into the Firefox location bar.
2. Right-click on the page and select New and then Integer.
3. Name it privacy.popups.disable_from_plugins
4. Set the value to 2.

The possible values are:

* 0: Allow all popups from plugins.
* 1: Allow popups, but limit them to dom.popup_maximum.
* 2: Block popups from plugins.
* 3: Block popups from plugins, even on whitelisted sites."

sabato, agosto 06, 2005

Indicizzazione Google

Indicizzazione Google: Dieci Regole Per Aumentare Traffico E Visibilità? Online

Se vi state chiedendo come migliorare ulteriormente la vostra visibilità? su Google e sugli altri principali motori di ricerca, ecco delle informazioni che possono dare un notevole aiuto in questa direzione.

NewsGator Goes Corporate

NewsGator Goes Corporate With RSS Server

NewsGator Enterprise Server will offer integration with Microsoft Exchange, allowing companies to put RSS on corporate desktops without installing individual clients or plug-ins.

venerdì, agosto 05, 2005

Yahoo Launches Audio Search

Yahoo Launches Audio Search In Beta

Yahoo starts testing an audio search service that scours the databases of major and independent music publishers and can also hunt for podcasts, reviews and other content.

Yahoo starts testing an audio search service that searches major music-company databases and also hunts for podcasts, reviews and other content.
Courtesy of
Yahoo Inc. on Thursday started testing an audio search service that scours the databases of major and independent music publishers and can also hunt for podcasts, reviews and other content.
The Sunnyvale, Calif., web portal said
the beta service searches more than 50 million audio files in companies that have opened their content up to Yahoo.
Besides Yahoo's own music store, the new service's index also includes content from eMusic, GarageBand.com, Napster and RealNetworks's Rhapsody. Yahoo has integrated its service into its own search engines for video, images and news.
Independent publishers can submit content to the audio index through an RSS, or really simple syndication, feed. RSS is a technology based on extensible markup language, or XML, for distributing and updating content on the web.
Yahoo is not the first to offer audio search. Similar services are available through America Online's SingingFish and Blinkx. Yahoo, however, claims its index is the most comprehensive.
"With Yahoo Audio Search, users have a starting point for finding all audio related content available on the Web making it easy for users to find, use, share and expand their knowledge of audio-related content," John Thrall, head of multimedia search engineering at Yahoo Search, said in a statement.
Besides audio, video search has also been a focus for portals Yahoo, AOL and others. Google Inc. offers video search, but hasn't launched a similar music service.
The increasing amount of audio and video on the web is a reflection of the Internet's shift from mostly web pages to offering multimedia entertainment.

Mappe Microsoft

Mappe Microsoft, nuova figuraccia

Microsoft ha da poco introdotto MSN Virtual Earth, la sua risposta a Google Maps: un database consultabile via Web che mostra mappe e foto satellitari di gran parte del mondo, ingrandibili quasi a piacimento.

Il problema è che Microsoft ha usato immagini a dir poco imbarazzanti per la loro obsolescenza. Tralasciando le paranoie complottiste per cui zio Bill censura l'Area 51 e Google no (Area 51 secondo MSN e secondo Google), le cose si fanno interessanti, e offrono spunti per dimostrare quanto sia alto il potenziale di censura o di manipolazione insito in questi servizi se non vi sono opportuni controlli e non c'è la concorrenza, quando si nota che stranamente in MSN non c'è traccia della sede della Apple, mostrata come un campo non edificato (la sede Apple secondo MSN e secondo Google).

Peggio ancora, sembra che Microsoft abbia volutamente disegnato una mela scontenta vicino alla propria sede, come segnalato da The Register:


O è un ennesimo caso di pareidolia?

Sia come sia, MSN Virtual Earth ha immagini decisamente imbarazzanti, dovute (come presumibilmente le precedenti) al fatto che ha acquistato un archivio di immagini molto vecchio. I soliti taccagni. Infatti a New York, secondo MSN, le torri gemelle del World Trade Center sono ancora in piedi (ecco il WTC di MSN e il WTC (o meglio, il cantiere) secondo Google).

giovedì, agosto 04, 2005



"Confermo che l'Italia è un Paese che, al pari di tutti gli altri della comunità internazionale, é a rischio; perché, specie dopo quanto avvenuto a Sharm, il fatto che l'Italia sia un Paese che si assume responsabilità, sia in Afghanistan che in Iraq, per aiutare popolazioni a liberarsi dal terrorismo, fa sì che il nostro Paese sia considerato un particolare obiettivo"

martedì, agosto 02, 2005

Learning English

Learning English

Two tools that could help me -and maybe you- learning the English Language:

Education - Cambridge - English Vocabulary In Use - Elementary

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60 easy-to-use units present and explain new words in context and suggest tips and techniques for good vocabulary learning. This book is primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice text but it can also be used for classroom work. It is beautifully illustrated in full colour and contains 60 units. Vocabulary is presented in context and there are plenty of follow-up exercises. This edition includes an answer key.

(free) download:

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Vocaboly - Innovative Vocabulary Builder

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Build your vocabulary in a fun unique way with our award-winning vocabulary building software!

Vocaboly is a vocabulary builder software for SAT, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT and general vocabulary. Vocaboly contains five books: SAT, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT and VOA Special English, with more than 12,000 words, each word provided with meaning, phonetic symbol and pronunciation.

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giovedì, luglio 28, 2005

Mars Talks Up Cocoa's Medicinal Potential

Curarsi con il cioccolato
L'azienda Mars ha annunciato di aver avviato una serie di colloqui con varie società farmaceutiche per sperimentare medicine a base di cacao

Questi farmaci potrebbero essere utili nella cura del diabete, di alcune forme di demenza e altri disturbi.–The Washington Post


Mars Talks Up Cocoa's Medicinal Potential

Drug Companies Interested; Some Experts Skeptical

By Elissa Silverman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 26, 2005; D01

Mars Inc. said yesterday it is holding "serious discussions with large pharmaceutical companies" about the development of a line of cocoa-based prescription drugs that could help treat diabetes, some forms of dementia and other ailments.

The McLean candy and food conglomerate for more than a decade has pursued research on the possible health benefits of cocoa flavanols, compounds contained in one of the basic ingredients of chocolate.

As about 20 Mars-funded researchers gathered in Lucerne, Switzerland, to discuss their latest findings, the company announced that it foresees a possible line of pharmaceuticals growing out of the work and that it was being pursued by drug companies interested in the medical applications of cocoa.

"We now know we have some intellectual property that pharmaceutical companies are interested in," said Marlene M. Machut, a spokeswoman for Mars.

She offered few details beyond that fact. "We're not ready to say who we're in discussions with. They are not small companies. They are big pharmaceutical firms," Machut said.

A company news release said the discussions included possible licensing and joint-venture agreements for drugs based on cocoa flavanol molecules that can be synthesized in a lab.

Whether M&Ms have more in common with aspirin than their shape remains a matter of dispute. Some nutrition experts dismiss out of hand Mars's claim that the flavanols found in cocoa are as beneficial as the company contends.

"This is about selling chocolate. Mars is only doing this because it wants people to eat more and more M&Ms," said Marion Nestle, a New York University professor of nutrition, food studies and public health, who dismissed the idea of cocoa-based medicines. She has no relation to the European chocolate maker of the same name.

But the possibilities have been enough for Mars, a privately held firm that makes candy bars such as Snickers and Milky Way, as well as Uncle Ben's rice and pet foods, to spend millions of dollars each year on flavanol research and to develop new snack foods based around flavanol content.

The two-day Lucerne conference included Mars-funded researchers from academic institutions such as Harvard and the University of California at Davis, as well as European universities, who presented papers on the relationship between consumption of cocoa flavanols and things such as increased blood flow to the brain.

The company said cocoa flavanols had an "aspirin-like effect" that might aid in staving off blood clotting and lead to the prevention of strokes and other vascular ailments. The candymaker said increased blood flow from ingesting cocoa flavanols might also help fight diseases such as diabetes and dementia.

Today's agenda includes the discussion "The Potential Use of Cocoa Flavanols in Preventing Cardiac and Renal Disease; Targeting the Individual Susceptible to Damage."

"The mounting scientific evidence on cocoa flavanols is extraordinary. This is a scientific breakthrough that could well lead to a medical breakthrough," said Dr. Norman K. Hollenberg, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, whose research on cocoa flavanols has been largely funded by Mars. Hollenberg's comment was included in a company news release.

Eager to boost its good-for-you bona fides, Mars earlier this month named Catherine E. Woteki, a former undersecretary of food safety in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, as its director of scientific affairs. It recently started a new division, Mars Nutrition for Health and Well Being, that will develop "heart-healthy" foods. One of its first products on the market is CocoaVia, a granola-based crunch bar, an 80-calorie energy snack chock full of cocoa flavanols.

Critics said Mars has been attempting to make chocolate into a health food for years.

Bonnie Liebman, director of nutrition at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, said "the evidence is iffy" that flavanols have the extensive benefits Mars contends.

Mars is owned by the three grandchildren of founder Frank Mars who have a combined worth of more than $30 billion, according to Forbes magazine. The company, which closely guards information about its operations, said it had $18 billion in revenue last year.

© 2005 The Washington Post Company

La pornostar redenta

"Nei salotti italiani il suo nome era impronunciabile. Non per la difficoltà di una pronuncia straniera, ma perchèEva Henger, la musa ungherese, l'epigono contemporaneo della compatriota Cicciolina, aveva un passato nell'industria del porno. Oggi però ha trovato la sua redenzione nella tv di Silvio Berlusconi come madrina di un programma per bambini e come presentatrice di un programma estivo. Paperissima è seguito da un pubblico numeroso: i fan di Eva lo guardano perchè finalmente possono vederla con i vestiti addosso e sentire la sua voce senza che sia interrotta da sospiri ed esclamazioni. El Mundo, Spagna [in spagnolo - a pagamento]"

mercoledì, luglio 27, 2005

All News: digg

Today 23.06
This is the largest digging machine (or trencher or rotating shovel) in the world. It was built by Krupp and is shown here crossing a road in Germany on the way to its destination, an open air coal mine.
Today 23.05
This guy made these Mario blocks and hung them around town. Its totally cool. You can even make your own mini-mario blocks, templates are on the page.
Today 22.51
Sony Computer Entertainment has released a new update for the PSP on their Japan site. Some new features include Internet Browser, MP4 AAC & WAVE Support, Wallpaper Feature, Photo Sharing, + more!
Today 22.40
Watch the Space Shuttle live rendezvous with the International Space Station. The map updates every minute with data from NASA
Today 22.35
This new handheld device, in fact, is a hotbed for hacks with which you can harness your PSP's full potential. And the best part is that most of them require you to do nothing more than drag and drop files onto your memory stick. Hacking hasn't been this easy since the axe was invented!
Today 22.20
The official New Zealand website for director Brett Ratner's X-Men 3 has already come online, however some of their cast and crew info is old and has changed. Just click the link to check it out.
Today 21.45
A U.S. District Judge in the Southern District of Florida has ordered O.J. Simpson to pay DIRECTV $25,000 in damages, plus attorneys' fees and cost for stealing DIRECTV(R) programming.
Today 21.39
Ars Technica has some information about a video iPod capable of decoding MPEG4, MP3, and JPEG to a 4:3 aspect ratio color TFT. Although the information is unverified, it seems that Sharp sales reps are bragging that their ARM chipset is being used on the initial version of the iPod.
Today 20.52
The new station will have a series of mechanical legs on skis that enable it to stay above the surface of the ice and be relocated inland to minimize the risk of loss due to calving events.
Today 20.48
Too poor to afford the latest Apple technology? Just make your own outta paper and go out in style!
Today 20.47
From BBC- People who illegally download music spend much more on legal downloads than average fans, a study shows.
Today 20.30
We all know that Microsoft has a tentacle in just about every pie on the planet, but what exactly is Redmond's black ops department up to in Nevada?
Today 19.55
I've written a how to about how to use Digg's search feature in hopes on cutting down the number of duplicate stories. It's insightful if you're a new user to Digg or if you submit duplicate story after duplicate story. The how to is pretty helpful and even includes pictures in case you get lost and need a visual reference.
Today 19.55
Liberated Games - Free, legal games for download. Includes games like DukeNukem3d, Doom, Doom2, Wolfenstein 3d, Grand Theft Auto, and Grand Theft Auto 2, and many more.
Today 19.25
For the first time in its history of Windows Betas, Microsoft has approved images which show the progress of its new Windows version dubbed 'Vista'. In the screenshots various tasks are shown, including the interface for the highly anticipated update for Internet Explorer.
Today 19.05
Everybody knows that gmail accounts come with over two gigabytes (and counting) of space. I know that sound awesome, but who can use all that space for just emails?
Today 18.50
This guy is rapidly becoming a hero of mine. In this open letter published in the LA Times, he pretty much calls Hillary's bluff over the current outrage over the Hot Coffee mod/patch/glitch/joke in GTA: SA. He is the guy that wrote "Everything Bad Is Good For You: How Today's Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter."
Today 18.50
Follow designs and instructions to make your own mp3 player using a MMC/SD card as memory.
Today 18.16
Light sabers used by Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in the "Star Wars" movies are expected to fetch around $60,000 each at a Beverly Hills movie memorabilia auction on Friday.
Today 18.16
American online activist David Swanson alleges that Comcast and Symantec have blocked emails drawing attention to the so-called Downing Street memo, which activists have seized on as proof that the last Iraq war was planned in advance.
Today 18.05
An introduction to the Unix operating system.
Today 17.35
An in-depth, 6 page, look at firefox with explanations of the many features and neat tricks accompanied with pictures.
Today 17.20
Japanese scientists have unveiled the most human-looking robot yet devised - a "female" android called Repliee Q1.
Today 17.10
PocketDigg is a version of Digg optimized for devices such as PDAs, PocketPCs,and other mobile devices. The actual address is PocketDigg.com.
Today 16.55
The best way to beat one is NOT to get one, but if you do try these steps and maybe you can get out of one.
Today 16.40
Any serious web designer should read this great article on table-less CSS design. You soon realize(as I did) this is the way forward!
Today 16.40
Rafael Rivera has posted instructions on how to circumvent Microsoft's WGA on IE and FF.
Today 16.40
Curiously, the domain, www.wap.com, is up for sale and the vendor is looking for over $25,000 for it. Apparently the bidding is set to finish at the end of this month. The strange thing is, why Norwegian law enforcement agency ended up with the domain.
Today 16.00
Experts are warning that the popularity of antivirus software could turn the defensive measure into a security risk.
Today 16.00
As expected, AMD has produced a 3800+ which costs less than your average dual core CPU.
Today 15.20
The increased storage space would put it on a more equal footing with its competitors. Google's Gmail offers 2GB, as does Yahoo! Mail.
Today 12.05
A US site purporting to be a Christian resistance group [www.TheResistanceManifesto.com] is calling for a boycott of the VeriChip implantable microchip.
Today 12.00
Walk-through on how this guy tweaked his Fedora system to boot in under 25 seconds. You may want to hit the google cache, the site is laggy.
Today 10.53
Zimmermann has developed a prototype of an Internet telephony application that encrypts calls to prevent eavesdropping. He plans to unveil the prototype on Thursday at the Black Hat Briefings security industry conference in Las Vegas.
Today 10.52
Parts of the brain are temporarily "switched off" when we blink, scientists have found.
Today 10.51
Never miss a television episode again using Azureus and an RSS feed. This has been around for a while now but I thought I would revisit it since some new TV torrent RSS Feeds have come about.
Today 10.51
Apparently it works on cancer?
Today 10.49
This site has been around for a while but man do I love the wallpapers this guy comes up with.
Today 10.47
Incredibly high quality streaming clip from "For All Mankind".
Today 10.30
Just a few days ago, up to 32 pages of listings could be found on Ebay for GTA: San Andreas. However, Ebay has apparently followed suit with retailers to stop selling the "AO" rated video game, as only a handful of auctions could be searched on the website today. Sellers looking to cash in on the media frenzy are in for a major disappointment.
Today 9.45
Bungie has updated on their website that nobody in bungie is currently working on new live content
Today 7.00
Quote: "Over the last 2 weeks, I have been working on a port of FreeBSD for the XBox. During this effort, Ed Schouten has given me assistance by reviewing patches and giving advice."
Today 6.59
Here's the first--and most comprehensive--Windows Vista/Longhorn FAQ ever created, constantly updated to include the latest information about this exciting release.
Today 6.52
A new extension for automatic updating of Adblock is now available in beta. It automatically updates rules using the Filterset.G filter and unlike an earlier extension, is sanctioned by the Filterset.G author.
Today 6.15
His article, titled "The Founding Fathers roll over in their graves as a new witch-hunt against the First Amendment is launched" is quite a read.
Today 4.55
First teaser really shown to the entire public. May not be a peice of crap.
Today 4.15
I really like Google Maps but one thing that has been bothering me for a while was the inability to select an area on the map to zoom into.
Today 4.00
The new TV Guide, which will launch with the Oct. 17 issue, will contain just 25 percent listings and 75 percent stories, versus the 75 percent listings and 25 percent stories it has now, the company said early Tuesday.
Today 4.00
BIOS passwords can add an extra layer of security for desktop and laptop computers. There are a few known backdoors and other tricks of the trade that can be used to bypass or reset the BIOS password on most systems.
Today 3.45
In addition to the pieces of debris filmed falling away from the shuttle, it seems that the shuttle also struck a bird just as it cleared the pad. No apparent damage, just more bad luck.
Today 3.43
There is no single way to create a cross browser image transparency. This tutorial tells you how to make it work in 3 of the most popular browsers.
Today 3.20
TerraIM's an AIM/ICQ client that's merely 670kb and requires no install. However, it supports buddy aliasing, tabbing, logging, offline messaging, and remote control. It has almost all AIM features, including file transfer that works around firewalls (unlike Gaim).
Today 3.00
New patch for bf2 announced for the end of august with over 140 enhancements/fixes.
Today 2.50
title says it all.
Today 1.30
How to organize your style sheets, selectors, properties, and more.
Today 1.15
Spread Firefox is reporting that Mozilla Firefox has been downloaded 75,000,000 times. The 75 millionth download came at 11:17:10am UTC/GMT today. The download count does not include upgrades obtained using Firefox's in-built software update system.
Today 1.15
What makes the whole world of video games so fascinating is its continual evolution and reinvention. There is always this sense of newness: new technology, new tastes and market preferences, new game play and new ways of satisfying the increasing demands of the gamer.
Today 1.10
NASA officials are analyzing video of a portion of Tuesday's shuttle launch "frame-by-frame" after one of several cameras aboard the craft captured what appeared to be pieces of debris separating from Discovery.
Today 0.55
Pretty much every time a faster CPU is released, we always hear from a group of users who are marveled by the rate at which CPUs get faster, but loathe the sluggish rate that storage evolves. We've been stuck with hard disks for decades now, and although the thought of eventually migrating to solid state storage has always been there...
Today 0.54
for those of you who have had a problem with them before, i am now letting people know (digg my story people) makes for a good read especially if you are thinking of buying anything from tigerdirect.com involving rebates take my advice and go www.newegg.com for stuff involving rebates. it's much easier
Today 0.52
With the recent upgrades to the iBooks and Mac Minis it is all falling into place that a PowerBook G5 is imminent as the distinction between product lines blur yet again.
Today 0.50
Nintendo Japan sets a date for the new Game Boy Micro. Could a US release be fare behind? Let's hope not.
Today 0.40
Lionhead, the developers, are now back with the sequel which they say addresses all the problems of the first game. They've promised that it will be twice as big, for a start, which should address the questions of longevity.
Today 0.30
Students in the Chemical Engineering Department have developed a completely synthetic alternative to blood that can be used for transfusion purposes. Vampires everywhere rejoice.
Yesterday 23.54
Google, Inc. just recently became an ICANN-accredited domain name registarar for .com, .net, and .org TLDs, among others. Could this mean Google has plans to begin selling domains soon?
Yesterday 23.15
Gotta love that Google API. This site ties the FCC cell phone tower registration data to google maps. Now you can figure out where you'll have the best service in your area.
Yesterday 23.10
These radio-controlled aircraft hackers have modded a bunch of home-made Star Wars spaceship models so that they actually fly.
Yesterday 23.10
Guitar Tricks is a community of guitar players who are building a library of guitar knowledge that is accessable to anyone in the world. Anyone is welcome to participate in our community. We are not proponents of any one style of music or method of instruction. We welcome all styles and actively promote the addition of new styles into our library.
Yesterday 23.00
Sony Computer Entertainment Prez Kenny Kutaragi stated at a PlayStation Meeting in 2005 that they're "looking at a life cycle of 10 years with the PlayStation 3"
Yesterday 22.05
This is the movie poster for the new CGI Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie that will be out in 2007. Looks very sweet.
Yesterday 22.02
A GNU/Linux zealot, I mean advocate, got his wife to use Fedora by making it look just like XP. Perception is everything.
Yesterday 22.02
Winbeta are reporting that Windows Longhorn Beta 1 will be released to testers tomorrow. I spoke with somebody who has since confirmed this information as accurate, it's unclear what build will be shipped but Winbeta are saying 5112, only time will tell.
Yesterday 21.30
You don't have to buy a new car to get neat high-tech gear such as GPS navigation and Bluetooth. Learn how you can upgrade your car so that it will have the same options as expensive models from Acura, Audi, and Infiniti.
Yesterday 21.25
In an inspired change of pace from their constant re-tinkering of flavors and additives, Coca-Cola has instead chosen to focus on an evolution of their design. The soft drink giant recently comissioned five talented young design groups from five continents to rethink their packaging with an eye towards hip urban flair.
Yesterday 20.25
Apple has raised the payout that Indie labels get from songs sold in iTMS. The payout now to 70 cents includes publishing costs. The payout is now up to par with the major labels payout.
Yesterday 20.15
Star Wars: Episode III DVD is planed to be released on November 1st, 2005!
Yesterday 20.10
Producer Mark Gordon ("The Day After Tomorrow") is developing a big-budget feature based on the 1980s giant robot kids TV series and toy sensation. Reuters notes Voltron is "formed by five smaller robots" -- unclear if they mean Lion Force or Vehicle Voltron. Are more giant robots to come? Robotech? Tranzor-Z?
Yesterday 19.50
Digg is now ranked among the top 5,000 websites in the world! (today's ranking is 4,346). Check out the graph and you'll see that digg is on a collision course with Slashdot. Social news rocks, go digg!
Yesterday 19.05
Fusion in a jar experiments seem to be real. It would be awesome if this turns out to be true.
Yesterday 18.50
Dave Solomon of Sysinternals recently discovered that Windows can still be used for most basic uses (web browsing and running basic aplications) without any services running! Apparently even Microsoft's own vice president of the Core Operating Systems Division was surprised by this.
Yesterday 18.45
TippingPoint, part of 3Com, produces intrusion prevention systems for computer systems and, in order to get a leg up on the competition, they have started offering money in exchange for the disclosure of new security vulnerabilities.
Monday 8.58
According to Adam Curry's 7/23 Daily Source Code, the iTunes Podcast top 10 is not based on the number of subscriptions a podcast has, but rather on the number of new subscribers in the past 24 hours. This explains why podcasts such as our favorites Diggnation and TWiT can rocket to the top of the charts...
Monday 8.45
Repair your NES from power flashes, blue screens and grey screens with just a screwdriver. Worked flawlessly for me.
Monday 8.40
Awesome! Listen to this interview of a British hacker who hacked gov't systems and found UFO cover ups.
Monday 7.40
Whether you're attacking Ewoks or battling Gundams, this 4m tall walking robot suit fits the bill. Now it can be yours for the low price of $43,500.
Monday 7.35
A short video about the mission of google, and the work environment it provides. p.s. check out sergey brin's shoes....
Monday 7.10
Hoping to pave a new path to its popular Web site, Yahoo has acquired Konfabulator, a tiny software maker that provides a computer platform for monitoring the weather, stock prices and a wealth of other customized information without opening a Web browser.
Monday 6.55
Amazing footage of a bunker buster demo. Watch as the missile penetrates through to the aircraft before detonating. Unreal.
Monday 6.55
Using the auto adjustment feature of your LCD monitor while viewing a special image can make text look ever better. Few know about this trick. I want to change that. This is a must see for all you lucky LCD owners.
Monday 5.40
A new season of Family Guy episodes starts Sept. 11, 2005. From now until then it's only reruns.
Monday 4.50
Netflix is poised to test its long-awaited Internet movie download service, which would broaden its rental business beyond its current DVDs-by-mail offering and fulfill the promise of its name.
Monday 4.35
Time travel theories of Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Ken D. Olum, Amos Ori, and Igor D. Novikov all packed into a short article. It's a great read.
Monday 3.50
Apple's announcement last month that it was switching from IBM PowerPC chips to Intel chips was one of those seismic events whose aftershocks continue to be felt for a long time.
Monday 3.40
Kerm Martian has discovered how to get The GIMP on a portable usb thumb drive. Be sure to take a look at some of his other great projects.
Monday 3.40
High quality movie footage for the time. "Pictures San Francisco's main thoroughfare as seen from the front window of a moving Market Street cable car, before the downtown area was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake and fire".
Monday 3.00
Google Maps derivatives have been spreading like wild fire all over the internet: HotorNot maps, google runner....Also See Area 51, see the Forbidden City, Neverland Ranch, and American bases that shouldhave been blurred...
Monday 2.21
By adding metadata tags to digg stories, Digg.com could become the ultimate social bookmarking service.
Monday 1.30
Misinformation drags a legitimate protocol through the mud. Whether or not this is true, it shows how necessary education in the value of BitTorrent is needed.
Monday 1.05
Miami attorney Jack Thompson claims cheat codes make EA's life sim a pedophile's paradise by showing genitalia; calls for ban on T-rated game.
Monday 0.15
Other then obvious answer of yes.. Comcast controls more than a third of all U.S. cable homes, and a growing number of programmers and competitors are questioning the company's power.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 23.15.07
It appears that Google is testing a new interface. Not many major changes, but highlights sponsored links and consolidates all of their searching functions along the top.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 19.14.53
Thanks to eBay (and over 20k in cash) you can now own arguably one of the few most important creations in computing history.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 19.14.53
Thanks to eBay (and over 20k in cash) you can now own arguably one of the few most important creations in computing history.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 19.13.27
The Logo Programming Language, a dialect of Lisp, was designed as a tool for learning. Its features - interactivity, modularity, extensibility, flexibility of data types - follow from this goal.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 19.13.19
If there was any doubt about the power of blogs, consider the case of Michael Gee. A part-time journalism professor at Boston University, Gee was fired recently after he posted comments in a blog about the looks of a female student in his course.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 19.13.10
Virus writers who once favored releasing malware that would clog corporate networks by the thousands have shifted to a strategy of secrecy in which they commandeer PCs on the Internet in the pursuit of dollars instead of notoriety, a security expert said Friday.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 18.40.07
...Canadian residents must also include on the Sweepstakes Entry correct answer to the following skill-testing question: 20 - [4+1] = ________...
domenica 24 luglio 2005 18.25.08
If you want software that works, doesn't cost an arm and a leg, contains no spyware and just plain doesn't suck - Check out this list.. None of these carry ANY - spyware, ad-ware, or pop-ups and all "trial" software includes FULL functionality.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 18.00.14
If you like the way Google writes its name and would like to have your own company name or just any name to be spelt like that, then this link can be a lot of fun.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 16.20.07
This may go down as one of the best deals of the year. Apparently, Henrico County Public Schools will be selling 1000 used Apple iBook laptop computers $50 each, with a one-per-person limit on Tuesday, Aug. 9 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Specs state that the computers are white Power PC 750s with 12-inch screens and have 320 megabytes of memory.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 16.05.08
Charge your iPod, smartphone, Zen Micro, etc. from a tiny "USB battery". Easy to make and takes up less space than an Altoids tin. Works with anything that charges from a USB port. *NOT A DUPE* of the other USB battery post.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 14.40.08
Great mod, great photos. Guy installs Mac Mini in his VW Golf GTi.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 14.25.07
It's the cheapest I've ever seen it! Retail is $55.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 12.50.07
Just a quick guide to digg.com. I did this because I was showing this site to friends and I hated explaining myself over and over.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 11.45.18
Again someone was nice enough to post scanned jpgs of the sales circulars for electronic stores, Circuit City, Best Buy, etc, that will be in tomorrow's paper. Some of the links do not work but should work soon. 72 pages.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 11.45.04
I am sorry that I do not have a link to this weeks AD. on 7/24 staples will have 802.11b linksys router for 9.95$ and 802.11b Notebook cards for 4.95$. THIS IS IN STORE ONLY!!!!
domenica 24 luglio 2005 11.44.17
Bandwidth is a problem for anyone hosting big files. As soon as your podcast gets too popular, either your site goes down or you get hit with a huge bandwidth bill. Dijjer will work perfectly with iTunes, ipodder, ipodderx, radio, and every other podcasting "aggregator".
domenica 24 luglio 2005 11.40.51
Article dispelling and confirming some of the urban legends that have grown up around Orson Welles' War of the Worlds radio drama that shocked a nation in 1938. Mass panic? Maybe. Mass suicides? Hmmm...
domenica 24 luglio 2005 11.40.10
"This isn't Ronco. I'm not an excitable friend from across the ocean with red hair and a bowtie and a British accent. You're not watching Amazing Discoveries.But I swear, if you give me 10 minutes and you follow my simple directions, you can go from merely using Mac OS X to owning it."
domenica 24 luglio 2005 9.05.45
Apple has taken the fourth spot in the nation's computer seller rankings, data released earlier this week by both Gartner and IDC show. The reason, an analyst said Thursday, is a "halo effect" from the iPod, which has enticed 400,000 Windows users to buy a Mac in the first half of the year.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 8.25.06
Virtual Earth - Seems really nice. Not so significant areas are black and white instead of being really crappy images. Lots of features :D !
domenica 24 luglio 2005 7.35.08
Colin Fahey developed the world's most advanced Tetris AI. Glen Coppersmith and James Dennis compiled the artificial intelligence algorithms into the actual tetris game. You can download it, press 'A', and sit back and relax. Pressing '+' increases the speed.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 6.05.08
Search is one of the most important applications used on the internet and poses some of the most interesting challenges in computer science. Providing high-quality search requires understanding across a wide range of computer science disciplines.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 5.50.14
Covers languages from Ada to XML. Describes history of each language as well as sample programs and links to tutorials.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 5.45.07
Motorola is expected to announce the first iTunes phone at an event Monday night called MOTONOW. Steve Jobs is rumored to make an appearance.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 5.05.07
Sean Casey built the TIV (Tornado Intercept Vehicle), a long-wheelbase 1997 Ford F-450 diesel dually pickup for the purpose of driving in to tornados to record research.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 5.00.07
Desirable laptops are desirable to thieves too. Disguise your laptop with a PowerPizza and reduce the risk of getting it stolen.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 5.00.07
The countdown clocks began ticking again Saturday for NASA's return to space, as shuttle managers voiced optimism -- but not certainty -- that they had fixed the fuel gauge problem that thwarted the first launch attempt.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 4.35.07
Google and Apple related stories on the web recieve twice as many page views as Microsoft related stories.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 4.25.07
Leo Laporte is going to be on Cnn on monday night.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 3.30.07
The buffer-overflow vulnerabilities in USB drivers could enable an attacker to take control of locked workstations using a specially programmed Universal Serial Bus device.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 3.15.07
Internet Explorer 7 Will only be on Windows XP. Firefox users are expected to Jump.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 2.50.07
High-res images of groom lake and the surrounding area.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 2.15.07
The Canadian government secured a surprise win Friday, beating out such luminaries as Iran, North Korea and the United States, for the dumbest government of the year at the World Stupidity Awards. WE'RE #1, WE'RE #1
domenica 24 luglio 2005 2.10.07
Tired of receiving unsolicited credit card offers in the mail? Did you know you can use postage paid envelopes to mail up to 70 lbs of household junk back to the sender? Attach their postage paid envelope to a brick (or similar heavy object) and mail their junk back to them at their expense.
domenica 24 luglio 2005 1.50.07
Barring a catastrophe, Lance Armstrong will pedal to a seventh consecutive Tour de France title on Sunday.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 23.35.07
Lots of torrent files of all recent Leno, Conan, and Letterman shows. Found while searching for some Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. First post from me, hope this pleases some of you.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 22.40.07
A few dvd ripping tools for OS X. There are a ton of great links in the comments section of this article.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 22.25.07
A surprisingly intelligent and addicting game where you have to protect your mouse cursor from an enemy. It becomes very difficult very quickly.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 20.30.07
Windows Vista's crappy name is a bad first step into a crucial new OS. Will Users embrace this new OS or just do like Ellen Feiss and switch. ...and in recent news DelbocaVista Florida is suing...good read
sabato 23 luglio 2005 20.05.07
By naming the next version of Windows "Vista," Microsoft may have stepped on the toes of another software company just down the road in Redmond.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 19.40.10
Simple and easy to follow step-by-step guide presented in flash for converting DVD video to the MPEG4 format which is compatible with the PSP.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 19.40.10
Watch this vid, it shows how to crack wep in less than three min.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 18.00.07
A new front projection screen that allows users to see clearly in high-brightness environments could significantly increase the market for front projection systems if the manufacturers claims are verified.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 18.00.03
A team from IBM and Cornell University in New York state, US, developed the anti-spam technique, which they call "SMTP Path Analysis". It involves examining information embedded in email messages about the route it has taken across the Internet. This allows it to make a good guess as to whether or not a new message is electronic junk mail.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 14.45.06
The trailer will launch at the official site today, July 22nd, at 6PM EST. Encoded in QuickTime 7 (and QuickTime 6, for those not yet upgraded), it is being released at its largest in high definition (HD), far better than DVD resolution, with 5.1 surround sound.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 13.35.07
those with limited desk space may appreciate this. its a mouse pad with some sort of voice chat system. also includes a 4-port usb hub,a built-in stereo speaker, mic line-in, audio connectors, a bunch of switches that do stuff, and the list goes on.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 11.10.19
Czech photographer David Balihar posts instructions on constructing a camera with stiff paper.A pinhole camera is a cardboard box with a hole punched in it that captures images on real film.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 11.10.13
Mac OS X 10.4.3, which its believed to be on target for a release by mid-Sept., began making the rounds in Silicon Valley earlier this week. Sources were mum on details, saying the first pre-releases builds of the software are slated to be released to thousands of Apple developers and business partners for testing in a matter of days.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 10.45.06
Apple has posted sample certification tests for Mac OS X, and Mac OS X Server. 10 questions each.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 9.35.06
Engadget: U.K. police recently arrested a man for using an open WiFi signal. Gregory Straszkiewicz, 24, was found guilty of "dishonestly obtaining an electronic communications service" and "possessing equipment for fraudulent use of a communications service"...
sabato 23 luglio 2005 8.25.08
This episode covers the following digg stories: Xbox 360 Picture Leaks, Speilberg Speaks on Transformers Movie, Scotty Beams Up For The Last Time, Hacker Erased Spammer's Database, Fake Nukes, World's First Open Source Beer,Flash Video Showing IIS Being Hacked, and Rockstar Ceases Manufacturing Of San Andreas.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 7.51.48
The aim of this hack is: Enable the TiVo's USB ports Use the ports for Ethernet connection. Enable FTP/Telnet/TiVoWeb so we can remote control your TiVo. Enable TyTools so we can copy a movie from the TiVo harddisk to our PC, so we can burn your recordings.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 7.51.42
The updates to Safari 1.3 and 2.0 will provide numerous bug fixes that often crash the browser and cause other issues for users. This article states a few of the issues that are being fixed.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 6.23.39
This a Homemade CPU made out of entirely of TLL logic gates!! You can even telnet into it!!! This is old school at it's finest!
sabato 23 luglio 2005 6.22.54
Follow digg link. (if link doesn't work well search dell "1905fp"). Dell 1905FP Ultrasharp 19" LCD for $479 - 40% off coupon K3X3VPQ14C83W$ = $287 w/ free shipping + tax.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 5.45.07
Paint your own TV screen on any wall !!!
sabato 23 luglio 2005 4.05.06
A Tutorial w/images Copy a CD (with live material, for example) to a single AAC file w/ embedded Track info for duplication with iTunes or listening truely gapless on a modern iPod. Cheers
sabato 23 luglio 2005 3.55.06
Good interview with some questions previously unanswered. "We will sell coffee cup holder to be attached to the table leg separately. Because we don't plan to make this keyboard coke-proof in order to lower the production cost."
sabato 23 luglio 2005 3.35.07
My journaled attempt at ditching Windows and using Linux as my main desktop OS.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 3.15.54
ZoneAlarm is designed to protect your DSL- or cable-connected PC from hackers. This program includes four interlocking security services: a firewall, an application control, an Internet lock, and Zones.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 3.15.38
Thought you guys might be interested in this, Dell recently came out with two new coupons lowering the price of the 2005FPW 20.1 Widescreen monitor to only $389 with free shipping.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 3.15.27
Google has expanded it's map service to include Japan along with the United Kingdom and United States.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 3.05.51
In other words, the statement, "We use only 10% of our brains" is false; it's a myth. We use all of our brain. Let's look at the possible origins of this myth and the evidence that we use all of our brain.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 3.00.06
High Quality. If I get enough requests, I'll type out the article.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 2.15.06
"Dark Horizons and Warner Bros. Pictures are proud to present the exclusive world first premiere look at the "Superman Returns" final logo to be used in the poster for Bryan Singer's upcoming epic scheduled to fly into theatres June 30th next year."
sabato 23 luglio 2005 2.10.06
Pox and Ragable bringing our first video podcast to those out there who have just heard about the hacking scene for the PSP. This 10 minute video quickly covers what you need to get setup with homebrew apps among other things.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 2.00.06
Kevin Mitnick speaks out about social engineering
sabato 23 luglio 2005 1.10.07
They just keep making it better. This is the end of our overlay hacks. They have a "hybrid view". Good job google. Maybe they are out of new ideas? hardly.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 0.45.06
iTheater is an open source project that will be a media center application for OSX, not just the Mac Mini.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 0.40.07
A collection of a bunch of interesting facts: The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute.
sabato 23 luglio 2005 0.35.07
An attorney is making strong accusations against Maxis and EA games for the "adult content" in The Sims 2. The attorney says that with a single line of code, players are able to remove the "blur" that covers Sims in the game. Of course, if anyone has actually removed this blur, they will soon find their sims are about as well equipped as a Ken doll
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 23.50.08
This mods original NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Atari controllers to work with your computer via USB. Works perfectly! Great for use with emulators.
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 23.20.07
The the unwritten laws for men.
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 23.20.06
Apple Insider reports that Apple is dumping existing inventory of Mac minis and previous generation G5 systems through online discount outlets.
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 23.09.53
This guy has studied facial expressions and the muscles of the face for 40-some-odd years. He is considered a human lie detector -- he teaches un-aided lie detection to the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security.
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 23.09.30
"Methods and devices for creating and transferring custom emoticons allow a user to adopt an arbitrary image as an emoticon, which can then be represented by a character sequence in real-time communication."
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 23.08.21
An interesting mod that adds an information disply to your router.
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 22.58.56
Some lesser known knoppix bootable linux cds. Give them a try!
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 22.58.21
Excitebike, He-Man, The Noid, The A-Team, Cloak and Dagger, all revisited on this site. Cool memories from childhood, fun stuff.
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 22.58.16
My new podcast for modders, hackers, nerds, geeks, and techies is out! The first episode features an interview with former hackaday writer Jason Striegel about his new site, http://www.blogcadre.com. Check it out over at http://www.modcast.org, and give us some feedback on the show!
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 22.55.07
I found this site pretty cool, they have several scripts for websites ranging from screen resolution detection and redirection to the basic CSS based menus, and best of all they are free!
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 22.55.06
This is my first post! :) well heres IGNs top 100 games....
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 22.10.08
Microsoft has released an explanation of their name for "Longhorn."
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 22.10.07
It uses HFX textures by Evil Lair, and the Quake 1 Darkplaces engine, and currently has 17 maps to frag in. You also can connect to our master server to play people from all over the world. The game's content and source are GPL. Meaning, it is entirely free and any of it can be used in other free projects, even if modified.
venerdì 22 luglio 2005 22.05.06
Lookin good, can't wait to see this one!